Cummins Do you know where the Engine Serial Number (ESN) is located?
The engine serial number (ESN) can be seen on the engine data plate, the location of the engine data plate is detailed in the Owner's Manual, Operation and Maintenance Manual or Service Manual document : 100-001 Engine identification.
Cummins engine serial numbers are generally eight (8) digits long. Depending on the year of production, some legacy engines may have (7) digit serial numbers.
The following content provides information on where to locate the ESN stamping in case an engine data plate is missing or illegible.
Legacy engine family | ESN location |
NH | The number is stamped horizontally on a pad machined into the upper rear fuel pump side corner of the cylinder block. |
KT / KTA-1150 | The number is stamped vertically on the side of the lubricating oil pump casing. This is the lower front corner of the exhaust side of the cylinder block. |
V/VT-378, 504, 555 | The number is stamped horizontally on a pad machined into the lower front corner of the left bank side of the cylinder block. This is just above the oil pan rail. |
V/VT-903 | The number is stamped horizontally on the rear of the cylinder block, just below the left bank cylinder head. The number should be seen from the top of the engine. |
V/VT-1710 | The number is stamped horizontally at the rear of the left bank side of the cylinder block, approximately halfway between the tray rail and the upper deck. |
KT/KTA-2300, 3067 | The number is stamped horizontally on the oil pan rail on the left side of the cylinder block. It will be stamped in the center of the cylinder block. |
Mid-Range Engine Family | ESN location |
B, ISB, QSB, B6.7 | The number is stamped on top of the cylinder block lube oil cooler housing. |
C, ISC, QSC, ISL, QSL, L9 | The number is stamped on top of the cylinder block lube oil cooler housing. |
Heavy Duty Engine Family | ESN location |
ISX, QSX, ISX15, QSX15, X15 | The number is stamped on the cylinder block between the rear of the lube oil cooler housing and the flywheel housing on the exhaust (hot) side of the engine. |
Heavy Duty Engine Family | ESN location |
M11, ISM, QSM | The number is stamped on the upper rear of the cylinder block on the cold side of the engine. |
Heavy Duty Engine Family | ESN location |
12L Natural Gas, ISX12 Diesel | The number is stamped on the upper rear of the cylinder block on the cold side of the engine. |
Heavy Duty Engine Family | ESN Location |
x12 | The number is stamped on the rear of the cylinder block on the intake (cold) side of the engine, just forward of the flywheel housing. |

Tengo un motor Cummins 6cilidros c160ip lo usa un pailover internacional h65u y se perdió la plaquita del motor innecesito comprar el cigüeñal o un motor que me le sirva
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